Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I understand the whole not telling your kids about Santa clause. But I would rather us him for a distraction for my kids. I can keep them under control with the "Santa won't bring presents if your bad." Also I love to see my little sister faces on Christmas when they think Santa has brought presents, i want them to have that exciting filling inside.
As my kid gets older if they don't figure out that parents bring present I will tell them people lie about Santa he was just a nice man along time ago and that he was not magical just generous.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Thanksgiving break was just OK. It started off with a lot of sleeping! I would just help my mom with whatever she needed help with such as cooking,cleaning, or raping presents! On Thanksgiving day I helped my mom in the kitchen. I made deserts: banana pudding, cheese cake, Watergate salad, pumpkin pie, and puppy chow for my siblings. Everyone only got about one plate because my dad decided not to mention to my mom that he had invited over friends, so in conclusion there was not enough food!
On Friday of the break I rearranged my room because I was so bored and was just home with the kids beacuase my mom went out shopping! After that boring day my friend Diamond calls to ask if I want to go to the movies wit her and Samantha to see The Mist! I was happy that she saved me lol. We went out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings and I watched Diamond and Samantha make a full of themselves with the wing sauce splattered all over their faces! I got some great embarrassing pictures of them that night. The movie was great I would recommend it. I didn't take it as a jumper movie it was more of the "O my God What Are You Doing!" movie. The ending was a big surprise, be ready for the drama!

Friday, November 9, 2007


So I passes my temps test to let everyone know! I missed 7 questions because of little mistakes. Don't second guess yourself while taking the test, and make sure you are careful when you submit your answers.

The field trip I thought was great!! The best part for me was when the girl and the guy sung their songs, they sounded awesome. The music was just good, I am not a big jazz fan, but they kept me interested in what they were going to play next. I also enjoyed his words of wisdom, he showed that you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Today I am going to take my temps test! I am not that nervous for it but you know it is different once you set down to actually take the test. I have read the book but almost every person I ask adds on to the list of things I need to know. I think I just need to trust myself and keep reading over the book.

I can't wait to finally get my temps because it is a step closer to my license!!! With my temps I will still get to drive with my mom around, but with my license it would be so much better to go off on my own! That means more shoping and going to friends houses YAY lol


Friday, October 5, 2007


Lord of the Flies. Interesting book and interesting characters. Piggy is a good example of this. As I read the story I seen that Piggy was becoming more confident and able to stand up for him self a little more.In chapter 1 Jack started to make fun of Piggy about his weight and he became very vulnerable so all the boys joined in. As the story went on piggy became more confident and tried to stick up for himself. Like the time her took the conch and wanted everyone to listen he was not going to give up on it. I also seen confidence at the end of the book before he was killed that he stood up to Jack and his crew.

I really wonder why Piggy was so interested in the conch. I know the symbol was power and you have the floor when it was in your hands but why did he take so much care of it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Well so far this year i hate math! I am always falling behind on homework because Mr. A gives it every night and I actually have a life out of school. I mean I don't understand why teachers send us home with so much of it! We work all day at school then have to come home and do pages of more work. I can understand a couple of problem every other day but I have homework every night! In my household right after school we have a house cleaning party and sometimes after I am finished cleaning I don't have much time to do my homework before it is time to take a shower and stuff to get ready for bed! my whole day goes by so fast because that is all I do is homework after chores (not very much time to relax!) This school year is so stressful!

Friday, September 7, 2007


Last week was the first week of school! It felt like one of the hottest weeks of my life. The good thing about school is I get to see all of my friends and get away from my house! I absolutely love all of my classes. My favorite class this year is health. This is my favorite class because it is air-conditioned, the teacher is so funny and outgoing, i also like my classmates i know all of them and we get along great! My least favorite class this year is math. I don't enjoy this class to much because it is a little hard and there is no air-conditioning so it is very hot! I think this school year is going to be great, i have great classes and all my teachers are just wonderful!
I have a big family that I am very close to. I have four siblings, Makaela she is 10 and very annoying but i still love her. Selena is 9 years old and i am close with her we have a lot in common even though she is young so we get along great. Kara is my younger sister she is 6, she gets into everything of mine so sometimes i just can't stand her. Finally is my little brother Jacob he is 4 and I love him half to death because he is my only little brother. I have two pet dogs Carmel and Leo. Carmel is a chiwawa Leo is a Yorkie poo. I also have two birds Lilly and Dilly. My grandma and cousin Dulce live with me also, are family is huge but we are all close and love each other no matter what!
The things i like to do in my life are sleep, read, talk on the phone, serf the web, dance,watch T.V, play games on the computer or any station game, I love to hang out with my friends and have fun and i also love to come to school to see my friends not for the work!