Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Thanksgiving break was just OK. It started off with a lot of sleeping! I would just help my mom with whatever she needed help with such as cooking,cleaning, or raping presents! On Thanksgiving day I helped my mom in the kitchen. I made deserts: banana pudding, cheese cake, Watergate salad, pumpkin pie, and puppy chow for my siblings. Everyone only got about one plate because my dad decided not to mention to my mom that he had invited over friends, so in conclusion there was not enough food!
On Friday of the break I rearranged my room because I was so bored and was just home with the kids beacuase my mom went out shopping! After that boring day my friend Diamond calls to ask if I want to go to the movies wit her and Samantha to see The Mist! I was happy that she saved me lol. We went out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings and I watched Diamond and Samantha make a full of themselves with the wing sauce splattered all over their faces! I got some great embarrassing pictures of them that night. The movie was great I would recommend it. I didn't take it as a jumper movie it was more of the "O my God What Are You Doing!" movie. The ending was a big surprise, be ready for the drama!

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