Thursday, April 3, 2008

The old adage, “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you,”

I remember growing up using this adage. I used to think it was true because it helped out with the way people felt after they had just been verbally abused. This adage is correct to a certain point and it also depends on what kind of person you are. For example if there is someone that is very confident and doesn't really care what others think, this adage is true and their life will go as normal after virbal abuse. But for instance if there is a person who is very quiet, shy and polite they will most likely be hurt from words toward them. Its all in personality.
Also deep down in everyones heart they are truely hurt from bad things people say to them. Even if someone doesn't show they really are, hurt is there when it shouldnt be. Its not they're fault, people should think before they let words fall out they're mouth. Words can truely hurt a persons feelings.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"The Twilight Zone"

This episode was very interesting I loved it. It showed true character of people. I understand to a point why he drove off, but he should of went back to help. So I was satisfyed by his actions at the end of the show. Sterio-typing is very big today so to show what it can do, makes you think about how you live your own life.
If I was in the position to have to help someone off the street like that, I have no clue what I would do. I think I would actually be to scared to do anything and drive off, but after looking back and seeing another person being harmed I would feel super gilty and have to go back and help even if it meant my life beacuse one day I could be in that position and need help.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Not to complain because its rude, but I absolutely hate writing poems. I love reading poetry but am not a very good writer. Just the whole express or feelings subject I have no mastered. I just need to suck it up and write them I guess (even though I only have 2/4 done!)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas break over all was stress full! On Christmas day I was very spoiled and got way to much but was very, very, very happy! As for anything fun I did I went sledding for my first time! I had a blast and plan on going again soon.
Basically throughout the break I hung out with my family at home, cleaned my room to put the new stuff in that I got for Christmas, and went a lot of places with my friends such as the movies!
I did get a psp and cell phone for Christmas. The cell phone is awesome for the keyboard, but the psp was a little hard to figure out at first! But now I got it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I understand the whole not telling your kids about Santa clause. But I would rather us him for a distraction for my kids. I can keep them under control with the "Santa won't bring presents if your bad." Also I love to see my little sister faces on Christmas when they think Santa has brought presents, i want them to have that exciting filling inside.
As my kid gets older if they don't figure out that parents bring present I will tell them people lie about Santa he was just a nice man along time ago and that he was not magical just generous.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Thanksgiving break was just OK. It started off with a lot of sleeping! I would just help my mom with whatever she needed help with such as cooking,cleaning, or raping presents! On Thanksgiving day I helped my mom in the kitchen. I made deserts: banana pudding, cheese cake, Watergate salad, pumpkin pie, and puppy chow for my siblings. Everyone only got about one plate because my dad decided not to mention to my mom that he had invited over friends, so in conclusion there was not enough food!
On Friday of the break I rearranged my room because I was so bored and was just home with the kids beacuase my mom went out shopping! After that boring day my friend Diamond calls to ask if I want to go to the movies wit her and Samantha to see The Mist! I was happy that she saved me lol. We went out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings and I watched Diamond and Samantha make a full of themselves with the wing sauce splattered all over their faces! I got some great embarrassing pictures of them that night. The movie was great I would recommend it. I didn't take it as a jumper movie it was more of the "O my God What Are You Doing!" movie. The ending was a big surprise, be ready for the drama!

Friday, November 9, 2007


So I passes my temps test to let everyone know! I missed 7 questions because of little mistakes. Don't second guess yourself while taking the test, and make sure you are careful when you submit your answers.

The field trip I thought was great!! The best part for me was when the girl and the guy sung their songs, they sounded awesome. The music was just good, I am not a big jazz fan, but they kept me interested in what they were going to play next. I also enjoyed his words of wisdom, he showed that you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it!